A month in - changes are brilliant. Hip problem is getting under control. I just get up now instead roll-up slowly. losing weight. Hair loss stopped and looks like growth is returning. Skin a lot better.
Claudette Whittingham
Helped both me and my partner massively with our gut health. Diagnosed symptoms which were affecting our physical and mental heath. Can't recommend him highly enough! Found him more useful than any GP I've seen.
Jack Smith
Went to see Pete with a parasite, bacteria and CANDIDA infection. I'm now the healthiest and fittest I've ever been. I'd nearly given up as nothing seemed to work - Thanks buddy really appreciate having my life back.
Tim Neale
My Services
What’s Available

Nutritional Therapy & Herbalist
Plants Are Full of wondrous healing compounds - Lets use them!
Hundreds of success stories with the use and application of natural compounds found in plants and herbs. Compounded with detoxification protocols including heavy metals - amazing outcomes can be achieved.

Wellness Service
An insight into inherend genetic tendencies.
Genetic tendencies for chronic and degenerative diseases can often be determined by the study of the eye. I studied with World Leader in this field John Andrews and am acknowledged on the latest iridology chart as a contributor.